Whatever Happened to Watermanship?
T-shirt logo from 2019 URT Womp bodysurfing contest More than once I have been out in the lineup when another surfer wipes out, his leash...
Showcasing the Fun, Functionality, and Simple Beauty of Duck Feet Swim Fins
The Full Story
This blog is simply a venue for ocean enthusiasts to share their images, stories, and other forms of expression, related to Duck Feet swim fins. It is not intended to promote a product or an agenda, it is just one more opportunity, for those passionate about the ocean, to connect and have fun.
I thought about doing this blog for some time, now that I am stuck in my house for the Covid-19 Virus pandemic, this seems like a good time to do it.
Please email me your family-friendly submissions (duckfeetdigest@gmail.com), and if I can figure out how to do it, I will post them for your fellow watermen to enjoy. Body surfers, snorkelers, scuba divers, Lifeguards, Marine Safety Officers, ocean swimmers, Air mat riders,and, because we feel sorry for them, even body boarders (just kidding), please contribute or this blog is going no where. Let us know what aquatic activities you perform in the ocean and where your image/story/interpretive dance, or haiku occurred.
For example: I am Bob H. This is a photo of me, my Duck Feet, and a Blue Whale off Southern California. I started wearing Duck Feet almost 5 decades ago, as a snorkeler and bodysurfer. Duck Feet continue to be my all around favorite fin for diving and body surfing.
Photo credit Mike Johnson